Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Teaching Math with iPads

I have been working on implementing iPads into math in my classroom. Slowly but surely I'm finding apps that the kids like that coordinate with my curriculum. I wanted to share a few of these apps and give examples of ways that I've used them with my class.
Math Magic App
This app provides an encouraging way for kids to work on their math facts! Students simply tap on the answer, and even if it is wrong a voice will express appreciation for the try. After 5 correct answers student gains a colored star. Teacher may adjust the level as well. The students love receiving stickers, cookies, and prizes when the get the answer correct. They will set goals to reach 100 correct and accomplish their goal within a few minutes.
I had the children use bear counters to demonstrate their understanding while working each problem.
The students used the iPad as a camera to take pictures of playdoh math work.

Doodle Buddy

I had the students to Draw a ten frame and add stickers on Doodle Buddy app to represent groups of 10's and 1's

Doodle cast app

This drawing app records students' drawing process as well as their voices as they are drawing! This easy to use app offers many colors and prompts to get students started. These can be shared with friends and family!


We used popplet app to record different ways to make the number of the day.


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